History, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division From 22 September 1943 to 31 October 1943, inclusive. ARRIVAL AT SALERNO At 0800 hours 22 September 1943, the convoy carrying the 133rd Infantry Combat Team, less the 151st F.A., arrived in the Bay of Salerno, Italy near the mouth of the Sele River. Troops and equipment were Combat Loaded on four ships; 1st Battalion aboard the "Charles Carroll", the 100th Inf. Bn. (Sep) aboard the "Frederick Funston", the 3rd Bn aboard the "O'Hara". Considerable equipment and transportation on the "Andromeda". Special unit personnel were divided and carried on all four ships. The bay was free of enemy action, there being a heavy barrage of friendly aircraft. At 1000 hours the first assault boats were lowered to the water and troops were taken ashore in waves, all ships being unloaded simultaneously. In a short time the sandy beach was filled with troops carrying their equipment. Immediately heavy equipment including trucks, peeps, 57mm AT and 75mm pack howitzers were taken ashore. The sandy beach swarmed with activity and within 24 hours all equipment had been unloaded. The troops marched from the shore to an assembly area a short distance inland from whence they marched about 5 miles across country to a regimental bivouac area. Immediately two companies of the 100th Inf Bn (Sep), "E" and "F" were placed under Army control for use as a guard detail. While in this area the combat team was dissolved and all special units returned to their parent organizations. Units of the Regiment took advantage of the clear warm weather and ample supply of water for bathing and cleaning of personal equipment. FORMATION OF TASK GROUP The Regiment remained in this area until September 25th, when Colonel Fountain received orders that the combat [team] was reformed under the command of Brig. General Caffey, and was to move to the vicinity of Montecervino-Rovella approximately 25 miles. Move was made by shuttle and the Regiment had hardly closed in when orders were received to move to the vicinity of Oliveta Citra in the 45th Division area. Brig. General Caffey returned to Division and Colonel Fountain was placed in command of the combat team. At 1426 hours 26th September, all unit commanders were assembled at the Regimental C.P. and given the orders for the move by Lt. Colonel Marshall, S-5, as Colonel Fountain was at Division Hq. Units were cautioned that the move was to be approximately 60 to 80 miles over narrow mountainous roads. At 1715 hours the commanders were re-assembled at the Regimental C.P. for new orders, as there had been a change of plans. We were to take over an area in the 45th Division Sector and the Commanding General, 34th Division was to be Task Force Commander. Our objective was to establish contact with the enemy, secure the route leading N.West in our sector, and pursue the enemy. Movement was to be by motor and in tactical formation with the 3rd Bn as the advance guard for the combat team. Attached to the 3rd Bn was Company "C" 151st F.A., 1st Platoon Company "A" 109th Engineers, one platoon AT Company. The combat team was to be joined by the 17th F.A., one platoon from 105 AA, and a Tank Destroyer Recon unit from the 776 TD. Trucks began arriving for the move at 1800 hours. OPERATIONS OF THE TASK FORCE Last elements of the combat team left the bivouac area at 0200 hours, 27th Sept 43. Travel was slow on account of blown bridges and narrow mountainous roads. Units arrived, and the Regimental C.P. was established 10 Kms East of Montemarano at 2130 hours 27 Sept 43. An outpost line was established, patrols and reconnaissance parties were sent out to locate a by-pass over the Galere River. The 3rd Bn was ordered to secure a bridgehead at N-877355 on Highway No. 7 to Montemarano, to a depth of 1000 yards, on the morning of Sept 28th, which they did. About noon the Regiment resumed the advance in the same formation, and by night the 3rd Bn outposted a line in the vicinity of Castelvetere, Northwest of Montemarano. This day's advance was characterized by the outstanding work of the mine sweepers in removing mines the enemy had laid all along the way. Italian citizens were helpful in locating enemy mines and in many cases they had already marked them. One 3rd Bn Hq peep struck a mine injuring one officer and two enlisted men. Weary troops found little comfort that night as a terrific rainstorm poured down most of the night. The 100th Bn man-handled its vehicles out of the mud to take up the advance guard for the combat team on the morning of Sept 29th. About noon the advance of the battalion was slowed up by artillery fire, some of which was flat trajectory 75mm and evidently coming from self-propelled guns. The enemy made a lucky hit on a culvert into which members of the Regimental Recon. patrol had taken cover, killing one Artillery Liaison Officer, one Sgt and wounding two men. This was our first contact with the enemy. OUR FIRST SKIRMISH WITH THE ENEMY That night the 100th Bn seized its objective which was the high ground West of Chiusano and established a road block at RJ[RoadJunction]-N755592 in order to block enemy elements withdrawing in front of the 7th Infantry which was moving into Salsa (N7558). The following morning they had a brief skirmish with enemy machine gunners in which the 100th Bn received its first battle casualty, Sgt Takota, who was recommended for a D.S.C., posthumous, for his gallantry in leading his squad in a flanking movement in an effort to wipe out an enemy machine gun nest. A single German tank attacked the battalion about 0800 hours but quickly withdrew under fire of our Bazookas, it is believed a hit was scored. Later in the morning the 1st Bn moved out in advance guard formation with the mission of establishing a road block on the Avellino-Benevento highway in the vicinity of Pratela. The movement was slow at first as they encountered what appeared to be our first organized resistance. The enemy force was estimated at 2 or 3 platoons. Late in the afternoon both Companies "B" and "C" had a brisk fire fight with the enemy, receiving both machine gun and mortar fire. The battalion moved forward during the afternoon of the next day. One prisoner was taken. Late in the afternoon of Sept 30th, the 3rd Bn moved out with the mission of seizing Montemilette. The battalion made a remarkable advance across country over rugged terrain that night carrying all their heavy weapons, and seized their objective at 0200 hours early the next morning. Later in the day the battalion moved in the vicinity of La Serra. The 100th Bn moved up and occupied the positions held by the 3rd Bn at Montemilette. THE CAPTURE OF BENEVENTO During the afternoon of Oct 2nd, the entire Regiment started moving by battalions to positions in the general vicinity of S. Giorgio. While the move was in progress orders were changed and the Regiment was given the mission of capturing Benevento and seizing a bridgehead North of the Calere River. The 3rd Bn was given the mission of seizing Benevento and securing a bridgehead across the Calere River, the 100th Bn was to follow in close support taking up positions South of Benevento to protect the left flank of the Regiment, the 1st Bn was to follow and take up positions Southeast of Benevento with the mission of protecting the right flank of the Regiment. The 3rd Bn made a spectacular advance, and morning found the bridgehead firmly secured and Benevento in our hands. The 1st and 100th Bns likewise reached their objectives. It had been a difficult move, much of it across country thru a drizzling rain and heavy artillery fire. Heavy weapons had to be carried a considerable distance. Company "K" suffered heavy casualties from medium artillery fire during this movement in the outskirts of Benevento. The 1st Platoon of Company "I" was cited for its outstanding work as advance guard for the 3rd Bn in the capture of Benevento. Major Lloyd H Rockwell received a battlefield promotion to the grade of Lt. Colonel in recognition of his outstanding performance as battalion commander of the 3rd battalion. His leadership and aggressiveness contributed greatly to the success of his battalion in seizing the important railway center of Benevento. About mid-afternoon of the 3rd of Oct the enemy attacked the 3rd Bn outpost line North of Benevento with some armored vehicles. The attack was promptly beaten off, one 1.5 ton truck, undamaged, was captured and at least six Germans definitely killed and one prisoner taken. The enemy made no further attacks and the following afternoon the 45th Division passed through us. On the morning of Oct 5th the Regiment assembled in the general vicinity of S. Martino Sannetra NW of S. Giorgio. CROSSING OF THE VOLTURNO On the morning of Oct 7th the Regiment commenced moving by motor to a bivouac area in the vicinity of Montesarchio a distance of approximately 25 miles. The move was made in shuttles and due to the terrible conditions of roads and the nine by-passes, caused by heavy rains throughout the period, the last elements did not close into the new area until the afternoon of Oct 9th. The Regiment remained in this bivouac area until the afternoon of Oct 12th when it made a short march to a new bivouac area West of Montesarchio, assembling as Division Reserve, during the crossing of the Volturno near Limatola. On Oct 15th the Regiment marched to an area West of Agata a distance of approximately 10.5 miles. Company "E" 100th Bn which had been released from duty with 5th Army, returned to the 100th Bn while we were in this area. Oct 17th the Regiment marched to the vicinity of Caizzo, Company "F" rejoined the 100th Bn while we were there. Early in the afternoon the 1st Bn marched by motor to a detrucking point North of Caizzo to relieve the 3rd Bn of the 135th Inf whose objective was hill N305920. The remainder of the Regiment moved by marching that evening to an assembly area a short distance South of the position occupied by the 1st Bn. The Regiment was greeted by intermittent enemy artillery fire upon arrival in the assembly area, some casualties being suffered. 2ND CROSSING OF THE VOLTURNO Early in the afternoon of Oct 18th the Regiment moved out in column of battalions with the mission of seizing a bridgehead across the Volturno River in the vicinity of N270985. The 1st Bn was given the mission of securing the bridgehead, the 100th Bn was to protect the rear of the 1st Bn and take up positions this side of the river, while the 3rd Bn was in reserve prepared to assist either. The 1st Bn crossed the river considerably South of the Bridge and made a daring end run in an attempt to secure the bridge before the enemy could destroy it. The bridgehead was secured with little resistance. Enemy artillery fire was heavy during the crossing but not effective. The following day the 1st Bn sent patrols into Alife and the 3rd Bn sent patrols into Dragoni both reported towns cleared of enemy troops. The latter patrol captured one prisoner. That evening the 3rd Bn and 100th Bn crossed the river and took up positions South of Alife in the general position of the 1st Bn bridgehead. THE BATTLE FOR S. ANGELO On the night of Oct 20th the Regiment moved out in a column of battalions toward S. Leonardo at which point the 100th Bn was to swing to the NW and seize the RJ 1000 yards East of S. Angelo (N229052); the 1st Bn to swing west and seize the RJ at N226041; the 3rd Bn to take up positions NW of S. Leonardo in Regimental reserve; the Cannon Company to be prepared to support the assault battalions. Patrols that afternoon had encountered considerable enemy machinegun fire and a fight was expected. Colonel Fountain directed that if the Battalions were stopped by enemy fire they should flank to the right and gain high ground by dawn. The movement that night was very slow across country, about midnight enemy machine-gun fire was encountered forcing deployment of the 100th Bn. Colonel Fountain directed the 1st Bn to move to the right of the 100th Bn and advance along lower road, the 3rd Bn to advance to the right of the 1st Bn and attack on upper road on its right and seize S. Angelo, the 100th Bn to assemble in reserve. By morning the 3rd Bn had established positions on the road to S. Angelo and was prepared to resume the attack, the 1st Bn was stopped short of lower road by heavy enemy resistance, it advanced slowly during the morning towards its objective, the 100th Bn in the meantime assembled in Regimental reserve. Early that afternoon an enemy tank attack was repulsed, casualties were heavy, however. At 1225 hours Lt. Colonel Carley L. Marshall was placed in command of the Regiment and that afternoon he reorganized the Regiment in preparation for a new attack on the objective. The following morning the Regiment attacked with the 100th Bn and the 3rd Bn is the assault, the 3rd Bn on the right. The battalions reached their objectives without resistance at approximately 0800 hours. At 0530 hours Oct 23rd the Regiment continued the attack in same formation seizing the high ground NW of S. Angelo d'Alife. Enemy resistance was stubborn but the attack progressed steadily, and night found the 3rd Bn is possession of the high ground NW of their objective; the 100th Bn within a short distance of their objective, having withstood a tank attack and accounting for one tank with a Bazooka. The 3rd Bn having advantageous position on the high ground was ordered to hold its position, and the following morning the 1st Bn attacked and seized S. Angelo and the high ground immediately to the West. The Regiment remained generally in these positions sending out patrols and establishing outposts until passed thru by the 135th Inf on the morning of Oct 26th. For three days the Regiment remained in place, protecting the Division left flank and maintaining contact with the 3rd Division on the left. ATTACK TO THE VOLTURNO On October 29th the Regiment marched to a new assembly area SE of Pratello. Here the Regiment received orders to relieve the battalion of the 135th Inf which was in position NE of Pratello. This was done by the 1st Bn and held until the Regiment attacked on Oct 31st with the mission of seizing the high ground in the vicinity of Ciorlana. The attack was made in a column of battalions with the 1st Bn leading; the 3rd Bn echeloned to the right rear with the mission of protecting the flank of the Regiment; the 100th Bn in reserve. By evening the Regiment had captured Ciorlana and the high ground NW and W thereof. It was a difficult job well done. The attack involved taking one hill after another. The 1st Bn reported they had given the enemy a good beating. Food and ammunition had to be carried by hand pending the arrival of newly acquired mules. GENERAL In all the operations, although not mentioned in the foregoing history, it must be remembered that the Special Units; Cannon Company, Anti-Tank Company, Headquarters Company, Service company, and Medical Detachment, contributed largely to the success of our battalions in taking all objectives. DISTANCES MOVED During this period the Regiment has moved from Salerno Bay a distance of 267 miles, of which 122 miles was by foot. A considerable distance was traveled cross country over very rugged terrain. SUMMARY OF DISTANCES MOVED Salerno Bay to Bivouac Area - 5 Miles. Salerno Bivouac Area to Montecervino-Rovella - 27 Miles. (Truck) Montecervino-Rovella to N9156 - 106 Miles. (Truck) N9156 to Montemarano - 13 Miles. Montemarano to Chiusano - 11 Miles. Chiusano to Montemilette - 8 Miles. Montefalcione to Pratola - 6.5 Miles. Chiusano to Montemilette - 7 Miles. Pratola & Montemilette to Benevento - 16 Miles. Benevento to Montesarchio - 12 Miles. (Truck) Montesarchio to Airola - 6.5 Miles. Airola to Agata di Goti - 4 Miles. Agata di Goti to Limatolo - 5 Miles. Limatolo to Caiazzo - 4 Miles. Caiazzo to Alvignano - 6 Miles. Alvignano to Alife - 9 Miles. Alife to S. Angelo d'Alife - 7 Miles. S. Angelo d'Alife to Pratella - 7 Miles. Pratella to Ciorlano - 7 Miles. CARLEY L. MARSHALL. Lt. Col. Infantry. Commanding. OFFICIAL: s/Roy L. Stephenson ROY L. STEPHENSON. Captain, Infantry. Adjutant.