History, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division From 1 December 1943 to 31 December 1943, inclusive. BATTLE OF MT. MARRONE On 1 December 1943, the Regiment continued the attack with the 3rd Battalion in the assault with the mission of seizing Hill 1180. The attack progressed slowly against heavy enemy resistance in the form of mortar and small arms fire. Ground gained was outposted that night and the attack on 1140 was resumed the following day. Enemy resistance continued to be heavy and the objective was taken that night at approximately 0100, 3 December 1943. During this period, 1-3 December, the 2nd (100th Inf Bn Sep) remained in position on Hills 905 and 920 with two companies facing Hill 832 which was firmly occupied by the enemy. The 100th Battalion was continually in close contact with the enemy, at some points only 100 yards separated the opposing forces. On 1 December, the enemy counter-attacked Hill 920 but were repulsed. During this period the 1st Battalion remained in position protecting the right flank of the Regiment. Company "A" had been attached to the 3rd Battalion, 2 December. The Regiment, with orders to hold, remained in position, conducted intensive patrolling, and made plans for the relief of the Regiment by the 4eme Regiment de Tirailleurs Marocains, 2ems Division Marocains [4th Moroccan Rifle Regiment, 2nd Moroccan Division], commencing on the night of 8-9 December. Throughout the period 3-10 December, considerable enemy harassing fire fell in the Regimental sector, with the Regimental CP in Scapoli, Hill 920, and Cannon Company receiving the heaviest concentrations. On 7 December the Cannon Company received a 215 round concentration of 155 mm in 45 minutes. The Regiment was continually in close contact with the enemy in the 100th Infantry Battalion sector throughout the period. In the remainder of the Regimental sector, contact with enemy was maintained by patrolling. On two occasions defensive barrages were called down in the face of apparent enemy attacks which never developed. The weather during the period was rainy and cold, the men's canteens froze at night. Supplies had to be hauled great distances over rough terrain by mule trains and carrying parties. The 1st and 3rd Battalions were relieved by the French [Moroccans] on the night of 8-9 December and the remainder of the Regiment on the night of 9-10 December. Control of the Regimental sector passed to the French at 0140 hours, 9 December 1943, at which time relief of the 1st and 3rd Battalions had been completed. The entire relief was accomplished without a hitch. It was quite apparent that the measures taken to prevent the enemy from discovering that a relief was taking place, were completely successful. The Regiment assembled in the vicinity of Fornelli, Italy, and moved during the night of 10-11 December to a rest area in the vicinity of Alife, Italy. REST AREA, ALIFE, ITALY The Regiment remained in the rest area, vicinity Alife, Italy, during the period 11-30 December. At the beginning of the period a considerable portion of the time was spent bathing, cleaning equipment and assimilating replacements. After this was accomplished a training program emphasizing physical hardening, scouting and patrolling and the training of specialists was carried out. Throughout the period troops were sent to the Rest Center in Naples and a continuous program of entertainment was provided for the troops in the area. Movies were shown every night as well as some stage shows. Decorations were awarded and several officers and men received Battle Field promotions. PRESENZANO, ITALY On the evening of 30 December, the Regiment commenced its move to an assembly area in the vicinity of Presenzano, Italy, where it was to be in II Corps reserve. That night the Regiment, less the 100th Infantry Battalion, completed the move, with the 100th Infantry Battalion closing in, the night of 31 December. A severe blizzard struck in the night of 31 December 1943. Plans were made for reconnaissance to both flanks of the Corps in anticipation of entering into combat. CASUALTIES DURING THE PERIOD: 100th Inf Bn: 68 KIA, 211 WIA, 0 MIA 1st and 3rd Bns: 43 KIA, 162 WIA, 7 MIA 133rd Inf Regt: 111 KIA, 373 WIA, 7 MIA PRISONERS OF WAR CAPTURED: 100th Inf Bn: 22 1st and 3rd Bn: 60 133rd Inf Regt: 82 GENERAL In the operations during the period rain was almost constant, making travel difficult and use of vehicles at a minimum. Pack mules were employed to get ammunition and supplies to the front line units. Men of the assault units suffered under the adverse weather conditions throughout the entire period. Occasionally water froze in the canteens at night. Enemy aircraft were particularly active at the beginning of the period. the 100th Bn suffered 12 casualties on Nov 1st as a result of an enemy air attack. CARLEY L. MARSHALL Colonel, Infantry. Commanding OFFICIAL: s/Roy L. Stephenson ROY L. STEPHENSON Captain, Infantry Commanding [sic]