History, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division From 1 January 1944 to 31 January 1944, inclusive. PRESENZANO, ITALY During the period January 1-5 incl., the Regiment remained as II Corps Reserve in an assembly area in the vicinity of Presenzano, Italy. Plans were drawn for the employment of the 133RCT as II Corps Reserve and extensive reconnaissance was made to both flanks of the Corps Sector. Training was continued with special emphasis on scouting and maintenance of a high standard of physical fitness. On the night of January 5th the First Battalion was detached from the Regiment and moved by marching to an assembly area in the vicinity of Mt. Lungo under II Corps control as reserve for Task Force "A". On January 6th the Regiment (-1st Bn, Cannon Company, Anti-Tank Company and Service Company) moved by motor to the vicinity of Ceppagna and from there by marching to assembly areas in the vicinity of Radicosa (979202) under control of Task Force "B". ATTACK FOR APPROACHS TO CASSINO (Hills #1270 (944234), Hill 1109 (937221), Mt Capraro (923222), Hill 780 (916230), Hill (926236)) During the period January 7-15 incl., the Regiment attacked and seized the following Hills, Hill 1270 (944234), Hill 1109 (937221), Mt Capraro (923222), Hill 780 (916230), Hill (926236). (The First Battalion was reattached to the Regiment January 8th.) Objectives were taken in the face of stubborn enemy resistance, very mountainous terrain and adverse weather conditions. The taking of each hill was a battle in itself, the enemy was well dug in and in each case held commanding ground. At times it was necessary to drive the enemy from his positions at the point of a bayonet. The weather was extremely cold and the trails over the mountains were treacherous being covered with snow and ice. There were no vehicular roads, supplies had to be packed by mules and hand for distances up to ten miles. The tremendous problem of evacuation of casualties is described in inclosure hereto (see Incl. #1). Communications were installed and maintained by crews working long hours packing supplies and equipment, by mule and hand. On January 13th the Regiment (-2nd Battalion (100th Inf Bn) which remained under control of First Special Service Force) reverted to control of 34th Division and continued the attack to the Southwest against determined enemy resistance and reached its objective Northwest of Cervaro in the vicinity of (901202-906212-911215). The Regiment remained in place, established all around defense, patrolling vigorously to the front and flanks, during the period January 15-21 incl. The 100th Bn returned to Regimental control on January 17th. During the night of January 20-21 the Regiment put on a demonstration, with one rifle company each, from the First and Third Battalions, and the heavy weapons companies of the First and Third Battalions participating. The demonstration consisted of fire from the Heavy Weapons Companies and the Rifle companies moving ahead in attack formation. The demonstration was made against enemy positions along the Rapido River in the general vicinity of Cassino and designed for the purpose of attracting the enemy's attention to our sector while an attack was being made by the [36th] Division on our left. ATTACK ON THE GUSTAV LINE (Cassino) On the night of January 21-22, the Regiment occupied positions north of its former positions in anticipation of attacking the Cassino Heights across the Rapido River. Aggressive patrolling and reconnaissance was continued in preparation for the attack. Company "M" put on another demonstration during the night of January 22-23 and delivered harassing mortar fire throughout the day. Final plans were completed for the attack on the Cassino Heights. At 2200 hours January 24th the Regiment jumped off on its attack on the heights north of Cassino. The Regiment attacked with three Battalions abreast, First Battalion on the right, 100th Battalion on the left. The Regiment advanced slowly against enemy wire entanglements, mine fields and strongly fortified positions, by evening of January 25th all three Battalions had elements across the Rapido River and were preparing to continue the attack. On January 26th the Regiment continued the attack meeting stiff resistance in the form of Machine-gun, Mortar, Small-arms fire, mines and wire entanglements. Casualties were heavy and progress slow, that night defensive positions were taken up of the West side of the River. The 100th Battalion held in place until relieved by elements of the 135th Infantry at approximately 2400 hours. The First and Third Battalions outposted the river line and held Line of Departure for the 168th Infantry until 0630 hours January 27th at which time the 168th Infantry attacked through our lines. The Regiment immediately moved to an assembly area in Division Reserve. The Regiment remained in Division reserve until the night of January 29th when it relieved the 135th Infantry taking up their defensive positions. The Regiment remained in position, conducted intensive patrolling and made plans for attacking the barracks (858231) with one reinforced rifle company and one Company of Tanks. 1 Incl. Statement Regtl. Surgeon. CARLEY L. MARSHALL. Colonel, Infantry. Commanding. OFFICIAL: s/Roy L. Stephenson ROY L. STEPHENSON. Captain, Infantry. Adjutant. ======== MEDICAL DETACHMENT 133RD INFANTRY U.S.A.P.O. 34 12 February 1944 EVACUATION IN MOUNTAIN FIGHTING Between 7 January 1944 and 15 January 1944 inclusive, this unit was engaged in combat over a most difficult mountainous terrain extending outward from La Noci to Radicosa to Mt. Majo to Mt. Peccia and finally to Mt. Pischiatara. The entire distance of about eight (8) to ten (10) miles was completely devoid of a vehicular road. The only route of supply and evacuation was a footpath or trail which in many places was difficult even for mountain mules. For a considerable portion of the distance, the trail ran above the timber line in the region of ice and snow. Evacuation of wounded was accomplished by six (6) man litter teams at regularly established relay posts. Each relay post was placed such that each team would have about a one-hour haul from its post to the next post. In all, there were twelve (12) such relay posts between the Battalion Aid Stations on Mt. Pischiatara to the nearest available ambulance at La Noci. It therefore required seventy two (72) men to evacuate one (1) litter patient from the Battalion Aid Station to the ambulance, this took twelve (12) to fifteen (15) hours. Between the Battalion Aid Stations and the ambulance, along this route of evacuation, there were three (3) Aid Stations, each one supervised by a Medical Officer and each one provided with facilities to give first-aid treatment, plasma, and hot drinks. These Aid Stations provided a resting spot for the walking wounded as they made their way back along the route of evacuation. On the busiest day, each litter squad carried (8) litter cases from their own post to the next one, and then of course, each litter team had to make its way back to its own litter post. Each team, therefore, made eight (8) complete round trips that day. Considering the character of the terrain and the fact that each round trip took approximately two (2) hours, it is not exaggerating to say that the litter teams worked that day. Much credit is due them for their perseverance and determination in the face of extremely difficult physical hardships. There were six (6) such teams at each litter post. It is pointed out that throughout this period of operation, these men were bivouaced either on the top of or on the slopes on a mountain and that they lived in pup tents in the midst of snow and ice. Supplies were brought to them daily by mule train. On the 16th of January, the town of Cervaro was cleared of the enemy so that the roads leading to it became available for evacuation by vehicle. 1 Incl: Commendation Ltr., II Corps, U.S.Army. s/ Morris J. Leslie MORRIS J. LESLIE Major MC, 133rd Inf. Regimental Surgeon ======== HEADQUARTERS II CORPS APO 302 U.S. ARMY In the Field, 22 January 1944 303.13 (G-1) Subject: Commendation To: Division and Separate Unit Commanders 1. I desire to commend all men of this command who acted as litter-bearers during the recent operations of II Corps, for the splendid manner in which they performed their duties. 2. Working in extremely difficult, mountainous terrain, in weather which often made the precipitous trails most hazardous, under constant exposure to enemy artillery and small-arms fire, the often averaged from 12 to 18 hours carrying a single patient. 3. Their dogged perseverance in their task, in the face of formidable obstacles, bespeaks their courage and devotion to duty, and I have no doubt that the efforts of these men resulted in the saving of many lives and in reducing appreciably the extent of our casualties during these operations. 4. It is my wish that the contents of this message be brought to the attention of all personnel concerned. s/Geoffrey Keyes GEOFFREY KEYES, Major General, USA, Commanding ==== Hq 34th Inf Div, APO-34, U.S.Army, 24 January 1944 1st Indorsement To: Unit Commanders 1. Your attention is invited to basic communication. 2. Your Division Commander desires to express his appreciation of the splendid manner in which litter-bearers of the 34th Infantry Division performed their hazardous duties. By command of Major General RYDER: s/ Dee M. White DEE M. WHITE Lt. Col., AGD., Adjutant General.