Headquarters 133rd Infantry United States Army APO 34 Narrative History 1 May 1944 to 31 May 1944, inc. ANZIO BEACHHEAD During the period 1 May to 23 May 1944 incl, the Regiment with 100th Infantry Battalion (Sep) attached remained in its defensive positions generally along the Mussolini Canal. Enemy activity consisted of fire from self-propelled guns, harassing artillery fire, small arms and mortar fire. Enemy airraids were confined to hours of darkness and were more of a nuisance nature and did very little damage to our troops and installations. The enemy used houses, knocked out tanks well camouflaged as hay stacks for OPs and machine gun nests. They were well dug in with ditches and trenches connecting strong points. They laid many mines and placed booby traps with trip wire along all likely avenues of approach to their positions. Our positions were constantly improved, we laid many mines and installed wire in front of our units. Listening posts were manned constantly. A large raiding party (the Red Raiders) consisting on one officer and forty men all volunteers of the First Battalion was formed for special missions in enemy territory. Much valuable information was obtained by patrols and raiding parties. Patrol clashes were frequent resulting in many fire fights, with hand grenades being used by our troops with good results. On the morning of May 9th a patrol of one officer and three men from "G" Company went into enemy territory during daylight. It was a daring raid, they returned with 9 German and 3 Italian PWs. The enemy suffered one killed, our patrol had no casualties. Four Italian deserters were captured by "G" Company, 2 on May 10th and 2 on May 12th. During the period the enemy constantly improved their positions during hours of darkness. The First Battalion launched an attack on enemy strong points in the vicinity of (049266) and (253263) across the Mussolini Canal on May 20th. 46 PWs were taken. A strong enemy counter-attack was repulsed with "B" Company being forced to withdraw to their original positions. Company "A" held their objective. After a heavy fire fight the enemy was repulsed with losses leaving "A" Company in control of the junction of the Cisterna River and Canal. Companies "B" & "C" 100th Infantry Battalion relieved Companies "B" & "C" First Battalion and a platoon of Company "I" relieved a platoon of Company "A" 100th Battalion on May 21st. ATTACK ON THE ANZIO BEACHHEAD LINE On May 22nd the First Battalion moved to an assembly area in the vicinity of (017271) preparing to relieve the First Special Service Force. On May 23rd the Second and Third Battalions moved to take over a sector held by the Special Service Force, the move being completed early May 24th. At 1715 hours May 24th following a thirty minute Artillery Preparation the First Battalion supported by tanks, T/Ds, Recon Troops and Engineers launch an attack to cut Highway # 7. Enemy resistance was strong where the railroad crossed the Canal. The objective was reached at 2100 hours where they held until passed through by the Third Battalion on the early morning of May 25th. At 0530 hours May 25th the Regiment reverted to VI Corps control and was passed through by the Special Service Force. The Second Battalion followed the Special Service Force mopping up and consolidating positions along the Canal from (083314-101330-087334), 11 PWs were taken. May 26th the Regiment moved to an assembly area (985345) prepared to attack at dawn. The attack was started at 1100 hours Second and Third Battalions abreast with First Battalion 100 yards to rear in the center of the line. The Third Battalion had a little difficulty with mines. On May 27th the attack continued and the Regiment was held up at Hill 173 by tanks, Mortar and Artillery fire. Two enemy counter-attacks of Tanks and Infantry were repulsed. One consisted of 2 tanks and 40 men against the Third Battalion, the other of 6 tanks and 200 men against the Second Battalion. The First Battalion moved into the line between the Second and Third Battalions at 2200 hours where the Regiment held for the night. Early on the morning of the 28th the attack was continued with all Battalions abreast. The attack was coordinated with the 168th Infantry. Progress was slow against heavy enemy resistance from the front and flanks. At 2115 hours the Second Battalion seized Hill 187 (925404). The Regiment was held up by opposition from Villa-Crocetta, the Second Battalion by-passed Villa-Crocetta and proceeded rapidly to the railroad bank. The Third Battalion advanced a short distance under very stiff resistance. The Regiment withdrew at 1150 hours on the 29th to consolidate and prepare to resume the attack at 1900 hours with all Battalions abreast. The Second Battalion gained positions 400 yards short of the railroad after very heavy fighting when it was ordered back to protect the exposed flank and stabilize the line. The Regiment held their positions supporting the 135th Infantry attack at 0630 hours May 30th firing all weapons. The Battalions reorganized and consolidated their position and supported the attack of the 135th Infantry making a demonstrative attack in their sector by firing all weapons. Strong patrols were sent out to the front while the Regiment prepared to continue the attack. Throughout the period the enemy had advantage of dominating terrain. Our troops made steady advances against infantry supported by tanks, armored vehicles and heavy fire from artillery, mortar and self-propelled guns. Enemy mines and booby traps were a constant threat but caused little delay and very few casualties. During the period our supporting artillery inflicted many casualties on the enemy. The Cannon Company fired approximately 275 missions, expending approximately 11,000 rounds of ammunition of all types. Our troops captured 189 prisoners. The performance of the Second Battalion was all that could be desired of a units' first action in offensive combat. At the end of the period the Regiment was heavily engaged with the enemy in the vicinity of Lanuvio to the south (933403-907400). W. H. SCHILDROTH. Colonel, Infantry. Commanding. OFFICIAL: s/Donald L Nabity DONALD L. NABITY. Captain, Infantry. Adjutant.