History, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division From 1 June 1944 to 30 June 1944, inclusive. BATTLE FOR ROME On 1 June 1944 the Regiment continued its attack toward Lanuvio. The enemy had a well established defense line with well established dugouts and camouflaged gun emplacements. The Third Battalion was the point in the assault which progressed slowly against heavy machine gun, mortar, self-propelled artillery, and small arms fire. Vigorous patrolling was attempted but in most cases the patrol was pinned down by enemy fire. Our assault was determined to break the German line and break out of the stagnant Anzio beachhead. The Third Battalion, with three companies abreast on the line, continued the assault, bringing strong pressure upon the enemy located on Hill 193, south-west of the town of Lanuvio. The Germans attempted a counterattack which was repulsed with heavy enemy losses of men and equipment. Our Third Battalion also suffered heavy casualties. Replacements were received during the night to bolster the strength of the Regiment. The Third Battalion was relieved by the First Battalion and hastily reorganized. German resistance began to show signs of weakening as many prisoners were captured and heavy casualties inflicted. The First Battalion, at 0930 hours, 2 June 1944, resumed the attack and moved out without an artillery preparation. Heavy German resistance continued and considerable self-propelled artillery fire was encountered, but the First Battalion continued the advance taking Hill 203 and pushing on to take Hill 193. At all times vigorous patrolling was accomplished. The Second Battalion had also begun to push and make favorable progress along the railroad bed running into Lanuvio. Tanks and tank destroyers were employed in support of our troops and contributed to the progress of the Regiment. At 1958 hours, the Regimental Commander prepared plans for a night assault which was to employ the First and Second Battalions supported by tank destroyers, which were to be also used as personnel carriers in the event of an enemy retreat. The battalions were to attack straight north with two companies per battalion abreast. The attack commenced at 0200 hours, 3 June 1944, with prepared mortar harassing fire. Strong German resistance was encountered. The advance was slow and heavy casualties were sustained by our tired troops, however, our troops continued to push forward. A motorized patrol was sent into Lanuvio and the Second Battalion advanced into the town. The other battalions swept around to the left of Lanuvio and continued to push toward Genzano. German resistance thereafter quickly crumbled in this sector. Genzano, Arricia and Albano were taken without resistance on 4 June 1944. The Regiment rested for the balance of the night and in the morning of 5 June marched over 15 miles to an assembly point a few miles south of Rome. The Regiment received orders to move to the vicinity of Caserta della Cavella, 12 miles west of Rome, and proceeded to the new assembly area on 6 June. Transportation was limited and delayed by blown bridges necessitating shuttling of the troops. BATTLE FOR CIVITAVECCHIA On 7 June 1944, the Regiment moved to the vicinity of Civitavecchia, Italy and the First Battalion immediately went into action. The enemy was retreating rapidly, blowing bridges, burning fields and houses in their wake. The progress was fast with little or no opposition. Rome's main port, Civitavecchia, was captured with little or no opposition and we continued to pursue the retreating enemy to the North. BATTLE FOR TARQUINIA German resistance in the hills South of Tarquinia was determined to stop our advance. Our troops made contact with a new German unit which had an established defense line. This defense line was destroyed and the Germans disorganized by our forceful attack which killed many of them and resulted in the capture of over a hundred prisoners. Our troops continued the attack and would have captured Tarquinia, but the Regiment was ordered to halt and relieved the night of 8-9 June. The Regiment assembled for a short rest period near Civitavecchia. On 10 June we moved to another rest area near Tarquinia. REST AND TRAINING AREA, TARQUINIA The Regiment remained in the rest area, vicinity of Tarquinia during the period 10-25 June. At the beginning of the period a considerable portion of the time was spent bathing, cleaning and replacing equipment. A training program emphasizing small unit tactics, scouting and patrolling, both day and night, offensive combat problems and firing of all weapons was carried out. Throughout the period, troops were sent to the Rest Center in Rome, and 12 hour passes were issued to the troops to visit Rome. Movies were shown nightly and decorations presented. BATTLE FOR CECINA On 26 June 44, the Regiment was back into combat and attacking in the vicinity of Piombino. Resistance encountered was light, but numerous mines and booby traps were encountered. The terrain began to be rough, so the troops marched on foot over the mountains, making good progress. Upon reaching Servereto [Suvereto], strong resistance was met and casualties were inflicted on our troops. Approximately one hundred Italian partisans joined the Second Battalion, and gave valuable assistance guiding the troops and assisting in the capture of German prisoners. Campiglia was captured on 27 June with little resistance. The First Battalion encountered stiff opposition, but the balance of the Regiment continued the advance through the wooded mountains. The town of Vincenzo [San Vincenzo] was captured before midnight after a stiff fight. The fight continued past the town. The First Battalion was the point, the Second Battalion on the right flank and the Third Battalion on the left flank. Stiff flanking attacks delayed our advance somewhat, but progress continued over rough terrain. Casualties were light. Prisoners were captured and several enemy vehicles were knocked out by the Cannon Company. The Regimental Commander laid plans to cut the road to Castagneto and to trap the enemy troops in that area. The town of Castagneto was captured and the Second Battalion took numerous prisoners, enemy vehicles and equipment as the Germans evacuated the town. The Commanding General of the 34th Infantry Division was most pleased with the progress of the Regiment. The town of Campiglia was the next objective. At 0315 hours, 28 June, the First Battalion began the attack and made favorable progress. Prisoners were streaming in. About two hundred in all were captured plus enemy vehicles and equipment, As usual, the enemy was blowing up bridges and retreating rapidly. Italian partisans again offered great assistance as guides, pointing out mined areas and trails to our troops. The Regiment entered Staz di Castagneto on 29 June with little resistance. The Third Battalion continued on to cross the river, the Second Battalion captured Bibbona, and then the entire Regiment moved rapidly to bypass Cecina. At Cecina the enemy offered strong and determined resistance, making good use of self-propelled guns, pill-boxes, and dug-in emplacements. The Third Battalion attacked at 2230 hours, 30 June, but was flanked by the enemy. After a hard fight, the Third Battalion was relieved to reorganize. The attack continued during the night, meeting stiff opposition. Enemy mines delayed the advance. A considerably[sic] number of Germans were killed and our troops also suffered casualties. W. H. SCHILDROTH, Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. OFFICIAL: s/Donald L. Nabity DONALD L. NABITY, Captain, Infantry, Adjutant.