History, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division From 1 August 1944 to 31 August 1944, inclusive. Rest and Training Area, Rosignano, Italy During the period 1 August 1944 to 20 August 1944 inclusive the Regiment rested and participated in various training programs, The entire Regiment was located on Highway #1, three miles north of the town of Rosignano, Italy, next to the shores of the Ligurian Sea. Every opportunity was given to the entire command to relax and rest and with ample facilities for swimming and outdoor sports, including baseball, diamond ball and volley ball. Company and Regimental Teams were organized and much interest was created between the competing teams. A very nice Enlisted Men's Club was established, with game rooms, reading material, and a snack bar. The officers' club was located in the town of Castiglioncello, Italy, with ample space for dances and other forms of entertainment, including a snack bar. Moving picture shows were held every night in the Regimental Show Area and also various live shows were obtained for the entertainment of the troops. Commencing on 7 August, a training program consisting of road marches, range practice of all arms, small unit training, mine training and 24 hour Battalion problems and training with tanks was inaugurated. Also from the 14th to 20th of August a training program of mountain tactics and mountain supply problems was held. This training consisted of training with pack boards for individuals, various types of rope knots to be used and care and packing of mules. The schools were conducted by a British Major and five enlisted men and a Captain from the Special Service Force Mountain Team of the U.S. Army. On the 19th of August this Regiment was greatly honored by being inspected by the Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, the Commanding General of the Fifth Army, Lt General Mark Clark and an array of high ranking officers and various newspaper men. The Prime Minister and the General expressed their appreciation of the fine display and the fighting qualities of the Regiment. Also during this period, this Regiment was released by the War Department, for full publication of news and stories of the Regiment, in all the major papers of the United States. Reporters from Headquarters Fifth Army spent several days interviewing the troops for the news stories. Training Area, Vicinity of Castelfiorentino, Italy On 21 August 1944, the Regiment moved by motor convoy from the Rosignano Area to the vicinity of Castelfiorentino, Italy. The trip was of a four hour duration over very dusty roads in extremely hot weather. The entire Regiment closed in at the new area at 2400 hours. Until the close of the period, the Regiment was in constant training on small unit problems with squad and platoon in the attack and in defense, training in coordinated attack with tanks and Infantry. Also eight-mile conditioning marches twice a week and schools in map reading and specialist training. During the period, one hundred and twenty enlisted men, five guest officers and one duty officer was sent to the Enlisted Men's Rest Camp at Camp Mussolini at Rome each week. Nine officers were sent to the fifth Army Officers Rest hotel at Rome every five days. The Regiment was inspected by a Division Inspection Team. The inspection covered vehicle maintenance, kitchen and kitchen equipment. The Regiment was very highly commended on the vehicle maintenance and the Second Battalion kitchens were found to be the best in the Division. W. H. SCHILDROTH Colonel, Infantry Commanding OFFICIAL: s/Donald L. Nabity DONALD L. NABITY Captain, Infantry Adjutant