Our Association

The 34th Infantry Division Association was formed shortly after WWII. Our current membership includes both WWII and War on Terror veterans and their families. As time passes, we become more focused on attracting younger veterans in order to stay relevant as an organization and continue to support association objectives.
Association Mission and Objectives
1. To foster and perpetuate the camaraderie of those who have served with the 34th Infantry Division from its organization thru today.2. To establish a library for the collection, preservation, and ownership of such records and other materials of any historical value relating to the 34th Infantry Division.
3. To employ librarians, historians, and lecturers for copying, cataloging, writing, enumeration, evaluation, publication, and dissemination of the material mentioned above. To print, publish and sell books, newspapers, journals, magazines, periodicals, lists, pamphlets, and reports for the dissemination information for the membership of the association and the public.
4. To foster, assist, and promote military units organized pursuant to state or federal law with particular attention to units of the 34th Infantry Division as hereafter constituted.
5. To organize and charter subordinate chapters of the association.
6. To support 34th Infantry Division-related exhibits in museums, historical buildings, and the military armories in the states that host the units which carry the lineage of the 34th Infantry Division and associated units.
34IDA Bylaws.pdf
Association Board
The 34th Infantry Division Board is comprised of currently serving and retired National Guard officers and NCOs and civilians. These unpaid volunteers donate their time to organize the annual 34th Infantry Division Reunion and other Red Bull events.
See the Association Board Lineages.pdf
Association Newsletters
The Red Bulletin Newsletter is your source of information on veterans and currently serving Red Bulls.
Association History
The 34th Infantry Division Association has had many accomplishments since it was first organized in 1947.
The Association built the 34th Infantry Division WWII Memorial Monument at the Memorial Hall on Camp Dodge in 1987.
The Association gathered all the 34th Infantry Division Killed in Action and Missing in Action names from WWII. We compiled a list of First Person Accounts of what had happened to many of the Soldiers and circumstances of their death. These are maintained in the 34th Infantry Division Association office.
The Association published three to four newsletters each year since 1947.
The Association hosted an Annual Reunion for the past 67 years in various cities across the country.
The Association worked with National Guard Bureau in Washington D. C. to bring back the 34th Infantry Division and all the honors carried by the organization since it was established in 1917.
The Association has placed memorial flowers at cemeteries in North Africa and Italy on Memorial Day and Veterans Day every year since
The Association sponsored the publication of a book covering the 34th Infantry Division in the Global War on Terror. This book by Brian Leehan was released in 2017.
Association Membership
As of Jan. 1, 2015, the association was 855 members strong. This is an increase over the last few years. At our high point, around 1960, we had a membership of around 1,400.
Apply for membership or renew today via mail or PayPal.
Recruiting brochure.pdf
Volunteer Opportunities
A strong tenant of the 34th Infantry Division Association is volunteerism. Service to our fellow Red Bull Soldiers and their families is the legacy of the association.
There are many opportunities to volunteer your time at Red Bull museums like the Iowa’s Gold Star Military Museum or the Minnesota Military Museum.
Committees are forming to address specific topics. Topics include an annual member recognition program, a review of the membership due structure, and the creation of 34IDA commemorative items. If you would like to participate in a committee, please contact the Association Secretary.