135th Infantry

The 34th Infantry Division has a proud history of service to our country during eras of two world wars and the global war on terror.
- Kreger, A Condensed History of 135th Infantry “To the Last Man” from Gettysburg to the Po.pdf
We bring together here three World War II narrative histories of the 135th Infantry Regiment. They all originated in the combat theater, prepared by soldiers serving in the regiment at that time. They are all official documents of the regiment, and are not here 'corrected' by later observers.
The lineage and honors, going back to - and beyond - the Minnesota Volunteers, raised in April 1861 and serving at Gettysburg, are carried today (2010) by the 2nd Battalion, 135th Infantry, 1st Brigade Combat Team, of the Minnesota National Guard and the 34th Infantry Division.
The first of the three collections, largely prepared by Ray Rudolph, on the S-3 staff of the regiment, brought together the monthly historic reports from Minneapolis (1941 February) to Monte Cassino (1944 February). His replacement continued the effort up to the breakthrough at the Gothic Line (1944 September) but was then captured by the Germans. We thank Ray, long-time Secretary/Treasurer of our Tri-State Chapter, for the donation of his personal copy of those papers.
The other two collections list command and staff assignments to company level and identify casualties in detail. They are major portions of the regiment's required monthly operational reports.
The second collection, from the archives of the Gold Star Military Museum, Iowa National Guard, at Camp Dodge IA, was scanned by Lt.Col. (Ret.) Mike Musel. Further material, unique to this collection, includes unit strength and location reports, some communication logs, and many of the personnel citations and awards which tell the story of its soldiers - the hearts of the regiment - in detail.
The third collection is from the personal papers of Col. (Ret.) John Breit, commanding the 135th Infantry Regiment in the Po Valley Campaign and during the Italian occupation. These papers were donated to the Gold Star Military Museum by William Breit, the colonel's son, and scanned by Pat Skelly. Extensive 'Lessons Learned in Combat' and Awards and Citations reports are included at the end of this collection.
Ray Rudolph, text, 34 pages, 824 KB
- The Background of the 135th Infantry (p. 0)
- Preparations for Combat (pp. 1-3), 1941 February
- - Induction into Federal Service (p. 1)
- - Camp Claiborne and Fort Dix (pp. 1-2)
- - Northern Ireland and England (pp. 2-3)
- - Camp Claiborne and Fort Dix (pp. 1-2)
- Algerian Campaign - Landing At Algiers (pp. 3-6), 1942 October
- Tunisian Campaign - Oran to Fondouk (pp. 6-9), 1942 November
- - Landing at Oran (p. 6)
- - Pichon - First Action against the Germans (pp. 6-7)
- - Defense of the Sbiba Valley (pp. 7-8)
- - El Ala - Pichon Diversion (p. 8)
- - First Fondouk (pp. 8-9)
- - Second Fondouk (p. 9)
- - Pichon - First Action against the Germans (pp. 6-7)
- Tunisian Campaign - Hill 609 (pp. 9-12), 1943 April
- Italy and the Crossings of the Volturno (pp. 12-17), 1943 September
- Montaquilla and Mount Pantano (pp. 17-19), 1943 November
- Cassino (pp. 19-24), 1944 January
- Anzio and Rome Campaigns (pp.24-28), 1944 March
- Italy and the Crossings of the Volturno (pp. 12-17), 1943 September
- - Anzio Beachhead (pp. 24-25)
- - Rome (pp. 25-28)
- Up the Coast to Leghorn (pp. 28-31), 1944 June
- The Gothic Line (pp. 31-33), 1944 September
- Awards (pp. 33-34)
- The Gothic Line (pp. 31-33), 1944 September
Gold Star Military Museum files, PDF, 697 pages, 26 MB
- Camp Claiborne, Fort Dix, Northern Ireland, North Africa, 1941 February
- Salerno, Volturno, Cerasuola, 1942 May
- Cassino, Anzio, 1944 January
- Anzio, Lanuvio, Rome, Civitavecchia, 1944 April
- Cecina, Gothic Line, 1944 July
- Gothic Line, Winter Line, 1944 October
- Winter Line, 1945 January
- Po Valley, Combat Ends, Occupation, 1945 April
- French Border, Jugoslav Border, Going Home, 1945 July
- Salerno, Volturno, Cerasuola, 1942 May
Col. John Breit, PDF, 691 pages, 155 MB
- Foreword
- Federal Service, Camp Claiborne, Pearl Harbor, 1941 February
- Northern Ireland, 1942 May
- Algiers, Tunisia, Kasserine, 1942 October
- 1st Fondouk, 2nd Fondouk, Hill 609, 1943 March
- Waiting for Italy, 1943 May
- Salerno, 1943 September
- Volturno, Volturno, Volturno River, 1943 October
- Alife, Cassino, 1943 December
- Anzio, 1944 February
- Cisterna, Rome, 1944 May
- Tarquinia, Grosseta, Leghorn, Arno River, 1944 June
- Leghorn, Gothic Line, Winter, 1944 August
- Winter Line, Monte Belmonte, Highway 65, 1944 November
- Po Valley, Surrender of German 34th Div., 1945 April
- Lessons Learned in Combat
- Appendix: Awards and Citations
- Federal Service, Camp Claiborne, Pearl Harbor, 1941 February
135th Infantry Claims to fame
135th Infantry Social Media