1BCT Fallen Soldiers

The 34th Infantry Division has a proud history of service to our country during eras of two world wars and the global war on terror.
1st Brigade Fallen Soldiers, 2006 - 2007
nor cold, nor rain, nor mud, nor enemy fire,
and may they now rest in Peace."
Specialist Rhys W. Klasno, 20, of Riverside CA and the 1114th Transportation Company, 7th Transportation Battalion, died 13 May 2007 in Haditha, Iraq, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
Staff Sergeant Robert J. Basham, 23, of Kenosha WI and Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 126th Field Artillery Regiment, died 15 April 2007 at Camp As Sayliyah, Doha, Qatar as a result of injuries from a non-combat incident.
Staff Sergeant Greg N. Riewer, 30, of Frazee MN and A Company, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment, died 23 March 2007 in Habbaniyah, Iraq, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive devise detonated near his HMMWV during combat operations.
Sergeant Joshua A. Schmit, 26, of Willmar MN and the 1451st Transportation Company, 7th Transportation Battalion, died 14 April 2007 in Fallujah, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle.
Sergeant Brandon L. Wallace, 27, of St. Louis MO and the 1451st Transportation Company, 7th Transportation Battalion, died 14 April 2007 in Fallujah, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle.
Sergeant 1st Class David R. Berry, 37, of Wichita KS and A Battery, 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, died 22 February 2007 in Qasim, Iraq, when the vehicle he was in struck an improvised explosive device. Berry's 'home unit' was the 1st Battalion, 161st Field Artillery, Kansas Army National Guard, Dodge City, Kansas.
Sergeant Major Michael C. Mettille, 44, of West Saint Paul MN and the 134th Brigade Support Battalion, died 1 February 2007 from a non-combat related injury at Camp Adder, Iraq.
Specialist Carla J. Stewart, 37, of Sun Valley CA and 250th Transportation Company, 7th Transportation Battalion, died 28 January 2007 of injuries suffered in a convoy vehicle rollover in Tallil, Iraq.
Command Sergeant Major Marilyn L. Gabbard, 46, of Polk City IA and Joint Forces Headquarters, Iowa Army National Guard, Camp Dodge IA, died 20 January 2007 in the crash of a UH-60 helicopter in Baghdad, Iraq. Her death is noted here because of her close organizational connection with our division.
Staff Sergeant James Wosika Jr., 24, of Saint Paul MN and 1st Platoon, B Company, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment, was killed in action 9 January 2007 by a car bomb while conducting a vehicle search south of Camp Fallujah, Iraq.
Staff Sergeant Thomas W. Clemons, 37, of Leitchfield KY and the 1st Brigade Troops Battalion died 10 December 2006 of natural causes in Ad Diwaniyah, Iraq. Clemons' 'home' unit was the 2nd Battalion, 123rd Armor Regiment.
Sergeant Nicholas Turcotte, 23, of Maple Grove MN and A Company, 2nd Battalion, 135th Infantry Regiment died on 4 December 2006 from injuries suffered north of Logistics Support Area Adder near Al Nasiriyah, Iraq. His M-1117 Armored Security Vehicle had been escorting a logistics convoy when it rolled over. The accident was not the result of enemy action and an investigation was conducted.
Sergeant Bryan T. McDonough, 22, of Maplewood MN and the 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment died on 2 December 2006 from injuries suffered in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. An improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during security operations supporting the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group.
Sergeant Cory Rystad, 20, of Red Lake Falls MN and the 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment died on 2 December 2006 from injuries suffered in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. An improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during security operations supporting the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group.
Staff Sergeant Scott E. Nisely, 48, of Marshalltown IA and C Company, 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment was killed on 30 September 2006 near Al Asad, Iraq. He was part of a forward security element providing convoy security when insurgent forces attacked with small arms fire. Nisely had previously deployed for Operation Desert Storm as a USMC officer.
Specialist Kampha B. Sourivong of Iowa City IA and C Company, 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, was killed in action 30 September 2006 near Al Asad, Iraq.
Sergeant Germaine "DB" Debro of Nebraska and B Troop, 1st Squadron, 167th Cavalry (RSTA), was killed in action 4 September 2006 near Tikrit, Iraq.
* RSTA: Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Target Acquisition
Staff Sergeant Joshua R. Hanson of Dent MN and A Company, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment, was killed in action 30 August 2006 near Khalidiyah, Iraq while supporting 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment.
Staff Sergeant Jeff Hansen of Cairo NE and B Troop, 1st Squadron, 167th Cavalry (RSTA), died 28 August 2006 near Balad, Iraq.
Sergeant Kyle R. Miller, 19, of Willmar, MN, a Signal Support System Specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment (Strike), was killed in action 29 June 2006 when a roadside bomb detonated near his vehicle south of Balad, Iraq.
Sergeant Brent W. Koch of Morton MN and 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment, was killed in action 16 June 2006 when a roadside bomb detonated near his cargo vehicle near Ad Dwaniyah, Iraq.
Specialist Benjamin J. Slaven, 22, of Plymouth NE and a HMMWV gunner for the 2nd Platoon, 308th Transportation Company, 7th Transportation Battalion, was killed in action 9 June 2006 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy near Ad Diwaniyah, Iraq.
Sergeant Daniel L. Sesker of Ogden IA and C Troop, 1st Squadron, 113th Cavalry Regiment, was killed in action 6 April 2006 near Baghdad, Iraq.
Sergeant Gregory L. Tull of Pocahontas IA and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 194th Field Artillery Regiment, was killed in action 25 November 2005 near Hit, Iraq, while assigned to the 155th Brigade Combat Team.
Specialist James C. Kearney III of Emerson IA and B Company, 1st Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, died 1 November 2004 of combat injuries near Sharan, Afghanistan.
nor cold, nor rain, nor mud, nor enemy fire,
and may they now rest in Peace."