Historical Reference

The Distinguished Service Cross is the second highest military award that can be given to a member of the United States Army for extreme gallantry and risk of life in actual combat with an armed enemy force.

World War II

Baker, Staff Sgt. Ralph D., Co. G, 135th Infantry Regiment
Bussey, Tech. Sgt. Charles H., Co. G, 135th Infantry Regiment
Butler, Fredrick Bates, 168th Infantry Regiment
Cassna, Staff Sgt. Elmer J., Co. B, 135th Infantry Regiment
Davis, Staff Sgt. William E., Co. G, 135th Infantry Regiment
Erickson, Lt. Col. Ray J. (Posthumous), Hq Co., 2nd Bn, 135th Infantry Regiment
Fabert, Maj. Edward M., Hq., 1st Bn., 133rd Inf. Regt.
Garst, Pvt. 1st Class John G., Co. E, 135th Infantry Regiment
Gisborne, Tech. 5 Francis H., Hq Co., 135th Infantry Regiment
Goodsell, Capt. Vincent F., Co. G, 135th Infantry Regiment
Harris, 2nd Lt. Vernon C., Co. E, 135th Infantry Regiment
Hine, COL Henry Chester Jr.
Hunter, 1st Lt. Sylvester J., Co. G, 135th Infantry Regiment
Kimble, Capt. Joe H., Co. E, 135th Infantry Regiment
Lance, Capt. Alden S., Co. F, 135th Infantry Regiment
Lein, Pvt. 1st Class Melvin A. (Posthumous), Medical Det., 135th Infantry Regiment
Lieurance, 2nd Lt. Howard R., Co. E, 135th Infantry Regiment
Lopez, Staff Sgt. David, Co. L, 135th Infantry Regiment
Lourain, Pvt. Francis J. (Posthumous), Co. K, 135th Infantry Regiment
Mackowiak, Pvt. Clement S., Co. K, 135th Infantry Regiment
McCaffrey, 2nd Lt. Richard E., Co. H, 135th Infantry Regiment
Page, Pvt. 1st Class Omar (Posthumous), Co. K, 135th Infantry Regiment
Paudel, Sgt. George S., Co. C, 135th Infantry Regiment
Rooney, Staff Sgt. Robert, Co. M, 135th Infantry Regiment
Singlestad, Tech. Sgt. Sylvester D., Co. F, 135th Infantry Regiment
Sporbert, 2nd Lt. William O., Co. B, 135th Infantry Regiment
Svoboda, Lt. Col. Albert A., Hq Co., 2nd Bn, 135th Infantry Regiment
Tate, Foster Joseph, Division Artillery, with BOLC
Turner, 1st Lt. Edwin K., Co. C, 135th Infantry Regiment
Wise, Charlie H., Anti-Tank Co., 133rd. Infantry Regiment

More information: http://www.homeofheroes.com, http://valor.militarytimes.com
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